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Living Brave in Love… Stories of Intimacy – Lost and Found

Living Brave In Love – Stories of Intimacy Lost and Found is a collection of stories of how others love…bravely.

When the opportunity arose to collect and publish stories of how others love came to us, we decided to take a chance on love once again and discover for ourselves how others love.

With love and hope in your heart, enjoy the voices of the women and men we present who share their stories in an effort to encourage you to be brave in loving again, in loving more deeply, and in sharing your love unconditionally.

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Living Brave In Love – Book Signing Celebration

Book Reviews ...

For those who seek to understand themselves and others better, this book is a precious gift! 



It turns out that defining love is much more elusive than it might initially appear.

The word itself conjures up a vast array of feelings unique to each one of us. Until now, I’d considered myself to be pretty astute when it came to this topic. Not anymore. Like many people in their sixties, I’ve had my share of "love experiences." Some good and some not so good. But, after reading this incredible compilation of stories from those who have experienced love from a variety of angles and perspectives, I have a deeper respect for the complexity of this topic. To some, the experience was euphoric and joyful. Yet to others it seemed as if a mystical hex had been cast upon them that trapped their soul.

I am grateful for the journey the authors have taken me on. I’ve gained an immense sense of empathy and compassion for those whose experiences with love were different than my own. And I’m left with a greater awareness of how significantly each emotional encounter shapes us into the person we will become.

Janine Finney
Co-author of The Flip-Flop CEO and Does the Shoe Fit?

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